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Living Environment Innovation project

2015 - present


Living Environment Innovation (LEI) Project is an interdisciplinary activity the subjects of human activity, sustainable living, living environmental design and planning, environmental management, spatial planning, learning environmental planning, simulation model, education and practice and sustainable development as well as the principles of sustainability.

In the beginning of the 21st century, despite major scientific and technological accomplishments, an increase in spatial and environmental problems in many countries has led to a crisis in living environment and management. The increasing urbanization of the world coupled with the issues of environmental pollution, resource shortages, global climate changes and economic restructuring demand that a lot of effort will be required in order to make our cities sustainable. Moreover, problems of sustainable planning and management are not restricted to urban areas, since rural areas face serious environmental challenges.

These problems can be resolved by cities becoming efficient habitats, saving resources in a way that improves the quality of living. LEI Project will focus on the aspects of urban design and planning that create sustainable living areas for city residents over the long term, and also that encourage and accommodate the participation of residents in the living environmental planning and management of their cities.



21世紀に入り、科学技術の発展にもかかわらず、多くの国で、空間や環境の問題の増加が住環境マネジメントに危機をもたらした. 環境汚染、資源不足、地球規模の環境変動、経済構造の転換につながる世界の都市化が急速に進み、私たちの街が持続可能なものとするには多くの努力が必要となる. さらに、農村部もまた深刻な環境問題に直面しているので、持続可能な計画とマネジメントの問題は、都市部に限定されるものではない.  これらの問題は、生活の質を向上させるという点で、効率的な住宅の導入と資源保全によって解決することができます.


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